Proverbs 3 : 5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

A Christmasy Feeling

Though the hearts of men are filled with venom most times of the year, there will be a few days, or moments where the heart is sincere.

Its odd. You does not even have to know what time of year it is when you wake up, even after a long and tiring day. You just know its Christmas, and there is always an odd feeling that comes with this day. There is a combination of many mixed feelings, a fuzzy kind of warmth feeling that rarely comes to one at any kind of day of the year when you open your eyes to greet the morning sun and not be greeted by it instead. And if the feeling doesn't come, you can still tell its Christmas by waking up to the sounds of numerous sms being received so early in the morning that even the owls are asleep. And what is odd about it is you actually like to be woken by the sounds of the annoying repeating tone you set as an sms. It becomes a delight to one to receive an sms at 3 am in the morning that even the sensible do not put it to silent mode or switch it off. It could happen at any other time of year, but it always happens on the same date every year. The joy of waking up so early.

Waking up, you just feel like smiling all the time. Even greeting the wall with a smile to appreciate that it is there to protect you from such menace like the weather, which you also smile at because the weather has been relatively good to you so far that you are still alive. Still having that feeling of loving everything within reach of men or not, you go out on a bicycle to deliver some late Christmas presents, smiling at every man, beast or plant that comes into view. And you feel that they are smiling back, whether true or not doesn't bother you. Delivering the late presents, your heart if filled with joy as you see the wide grin on the faces of those people accepting the gifts. The grin on your face widens as they give you their presents, big or small. Even as you cycle back home uphill on a bike so rusty and broken after years in the rain and many times the bike experienced torture by the owner, it managed to take you back home, all sweaty but your heart filled with joy to the brim.

After wishing the world Merry Christmas using the normal means of communication this generation has to offer, you had to celebrate a Christmas lunch with family friends. On a normal day, you think of drunk uncles with either red wine or whiskey in hand and ankle bitters so numerous that stacking them up, though small, would be the size of a four storey house. But this special day, you see jolly men with rosy cheeks dancing to no music and small angelic kids who brings joy to those they play with. Carving a 6 kg turkey, you sit down and just talk about your year, though repeated numerous times to many, it did not seem boring today. You ended up playing babysitter(God know how) to the little 'angels' in the still standing house, and the moment you enter the room full of children, shouts erupted from left and right, not to mention teddy bears and stuffed dogs flying to your direction. Thinking that the only way to survive them would be to join them, you start playing with them. BIG MISTAKE. You find yourself being torn apart by 2 kids on one side, and 2 on the other. By the time they let go, they started jumping all over you, demanding piggy backs while making a few fly around like superman. One of those little 'angel' some how managed to drag you into another room, sat you down, and started to play teacher and student. You learned that day what a mangostein looks like, not to mention the 'ugly' dinosaurs are extinct and pikachu is the 'teacher's' favorite pokemon. Dragged back into the room full of children, they sat down quietly as they watched the lamest clips on YouTube. The little 'angel' of a 'teacher' dragged you away and started playing husband and wife with kids so soft and furry. You try to escape by going back downstairs to bond with now the red cheeked so-called responsible adults(all were going to drive back), but the 'angel' followed anyway. And for a 5 year old, she could already pose in front the camera with her 'husband'. You finally escaped the house, escaping your 'wife' who you left with a frown on her face. Thankfully your dad could still drive back safely, as your mum could not walk in a straight line after all those glasses.

All in all, the day you feel was enjoyable seeing you spent it differently, able to bring some sort of joy to the people around you, and though there were many '..' today, you thought it was a day well spent. Especially the smiles of the younger ones as they used you as a punching bag, it oddly fills you inside. Apparently it is true, that happiness comes when you make others happy, that Christmas is about giving something, whether something of material or time and attention. Or to the first giving on Christmas day, the gift of the Son to humanity, the beginning of the journey where sin of men would be erased.


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