Proverbs 3 : 5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Because we are hybrids

It took me this long to find a smile such as yours,
it wasn't an easy one to come by, mind you...
i had to go through smiles of torment,
smiles of masked emotion,
smiles of my fair deceiver,
smiles that made happiness everything,
smiles that hurt in the dark,
smiles of the nonchalant,
smiles of the superficial enquirer,
smiles for a second chance,
and smiles before the chance is made third...
to look at you give it out so earnestly,
the smile that smiles,
one that shows the tear in your heart,
and the tear in your eye,
one that shows the cuts on your arm,
and the bruises after a fall,
one that shows the past repressions,
and the current temptations,
but your smile is yours,
because it smiles together with smiles that expresses,
an upstream swim when the current pushes you forward too fast,
a constant battle between the angels and demons of your own,
a desire to be found when you feel complete,
a road that is pointless, but is driven on for the destination's sake,
a smile that is yours, and yours alone...

let no one define you,
because there is no definition.

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