is what it should be.
what is addiction when
your priorities are set straight?
placing more in the shouldn't,
and less in the should.
it takes a real friendship to show you
that you don't actually need friendships.
who are you to act in
a way that isn't you?
you, of course.
just to fit in or to please,
but is there anything wrong with that?
maybe the 'you' right now isn't really
the real 'you',
and by not being the 'you' for right now,
you become that 'you' you've been searching for.
whatever makes you happy,
or whatever fills you, that's better said.
cause after a long day of being 'you',
you're still searching for who 'you' are.
is it intimidating,
or is he intimidating?
cause the look is just him being him
and him being no one else.
with masks off,
its 'come what may',
if you laugh, he laughs cause its funny;
he acknowledges the humor in it,
and finds temporary relief.
that doesn't mean he is happy though,
or that he is isn't happy,
its just 'come what may'.
smiling, how complex can that get?
if he sees something worth smiling at,
he smiles.
if he doesn't smile,
its not cause he isn't happy,
its also not cause he is happy,
its just 'come what may'.
'how are you?'
a completely pointless question in public.
i'm bored of this,
but its the easiest thing to come by.
but its the easiest thing to come by.