Proverbs 3 : 5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

I'm in my own

'I'm found in your embrace...'


remind the sick why he is sick,
as the cure for the ill,
is a stand that is unwilling,
and a will that is unending.

remind the lost why he is lost,
as a map for the astray,
is bread crumbs to a point,
and a signal to beaten down paths.

remind the torn why he is torn,
as thread for a break,
is a stitch for lovelorn-ness,
and a cover for vulnerability.

for each passer-by,
that holds a different interest,
a different relief,
and a different character,
brings with that person,
a similar process,
a similar situation,
and a similar outcome.

I'm reminded,
that life reels back its line.
I'm reminded,
that life puts it back in.

just grant me a glimpse,
'cause this is awesomely dreadful...

'...rain down on me'

Rain Down
- Hillsongs -

p.s. hope you know you are cared for,
hope you know who you are.

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